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Getting that Yard, Ship Shape


We’re a bit north of mid-way through winter and it’s been a cold one this year.  But now is the perfect time to get out in that yard and get it all tidied up before spring hits.  It can be hard to find a good day to get out of the house and in to the yard, but once you have found one, get out there and start doing some of the little things that will help make things easier to maintain when spring does finally roll around.

Here’s a little list of the things that can really help you keep on top of the spring growth.



This might seem like a no brainer, but you don’t want to just mow, get the whipper snipper out and get the fence lines.  If you have the tools, trim the edging around the concrete and pavers.  Once the grass starts going bonkers in spring it’ll be hard to keep on top of.



If you have any trees that are even moderately in the way, pruning them now before they start to sprout and flower is a prime idea, while they’re dormant through winter they’ll be a lot easier to take care of.



If you’re looking to put some plants in, why wait until spring when plant prices are high?  Winter is just as good a time as any to get those plants planted.  As most plants are dormant in winter and aren’t in a growing phase they don’t suffer as much transplant shock when you put them in the new ground.  However, if you live in a cold climate where the ground freezes over you may have to wait until spring.



If you need to put some lawn in, putting down turf in winter can absolutely be done providing where you live isn’t freezing.  Turf will require less irrigation when it’s cold and the lawn will be grown in and ready to use before summer hits.  Also, if you already have a reasonable lawn but want it to grow thicker, winter is the perfect time to aerate the soil as it’s softer, the water will get deeper and the roots will grow stronger in time for a big spring growth spurt.


Hopefully these few tips will help you maintain and give your garden and yard a huge kick start for spring.

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