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How JE White’s fared throughout the Pandemic

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, JE White’s rolled up its sleeves and managed to keep it business as usual despite the restrictions.  Working remotely from home our talented and capable staff adapted extremely well to the situation, managing to keep the core value that we hold dear: our service to you – the client.  While three weeks out of the office might have seemed like a dream to some, the team was all itching to get back to normality and back in to the office.  Throughout the lockdown our clients were completely understanding of the situation we found ourselves in which helped us to maintain and continue to build our relationships, even without an office to base ourselves in.  While work has returned to normal the AGMs are still off site through phone conferencing but will return to normal once deemed safe to do so.

We all hope that you fared well throughout these interesting times and hope that you continue to do so in the future.


JE White’s

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