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How to Save Money on Electricity this Winter



During the winter months our electricity bills can soar as we have to keep the heat on to just stay comfortable. Getting the electricity bill during these months can be highly stress inducing as you contemplate whether you should just start trying to sell the car, before you even open the envelope.

We have a few helpful tips that will hopefully save you a few dollars during the wintry months.


Keep the Heat

If you’ve had the heater running for a while and the room is nice and toasty, but as soon as the heater goes off the heat seems to disappear almost immediately. It might be worth working out why. Windows and doors are probably the biggest culprit, a large gap under doors, doors left open. Improperly sealed windows can also play a huge part in the heat dissipating quickly, even things like curtains can play a part as the glass on windows can get extremely icy at night and a curtain can provide an extra buffer between the cold glass and the warm room. It might also be worth seeing if the insulation is any good in the ceiling and walls. If the insulation is to thin or not up to standard that can make a huge difference in keeping the heat in.


Rug up

If you want to get around in shorts and a t-shirt all year round your heating bill is going to be a stomper, the best advice is just to get warm clothes on, you can always add more clothes or even bring a blanket out on the lounge if needs be. Pop a beanie on, some warm clothes and enjoy the warming glow of the television without the heater on and watch that bill drop.


The Warmth of the Sun

As soon as the sun peeks its head out from behind the clouds, open up the curtains and get that sun inside the house. The sun can provide a lot of warmth in such a short amount of time and that can be invaluable in the colder months. Just remember to close those curtains again when the sun packs up and goes home for the day.


Get it where you can

Heat comes in abundance, if you’re cooking leave the oven open after you’ve turned it off. Have a hot shower with the door open to let the warm steam flow through the house, cats and dogs also provide a whole heap of warmth, pop a kitty on your lap and you’ll be warm in no time.



If you have a spare room or can re-arrange rooms that might be a good idea, if you spend a lot of time in the lounge room and it’s a big open room, it could be an idea to move the lounge room to a smaller room that would be a lot easier to keep warm.


Heater Exchange

If you can afford it and have the proper area perhaps installing a wood burning heater would be a good idea. While buying wood all the time can also be costly buying in bulk at the start of winter could still save you some money, having a trailer load of chopped timber delivered for $150 at the start of winter could end up being cheaper than having an electric heater on all the time.


Stay warm and toasty and hopefully keep those bills down by using these handy tips.

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