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Insurance obligations for Strata & Community Titles

If you have purchased a Strata or Community Titled Property, there are certain legal obligations that the Corporation must adhere to when it comes to insurance.

In a Strata Titled Property, the Strata Titles Act imposes a duty on the Corporation to insure all building and building improvements for their full replacement value, and to keep itself insured against liability for negligence. This would include the dwellings, fixtures and fittings and any common areas improvements to the land.

In a Community Titled Property, there is a legal obligation for the Corporation to insure the common property which can often include items such as roadways, street lights and any common facilities, and must also keep itself insured against liability for negligence. The insurance requirements for Community Titled Properties are also guided by the requirements of the Corporation’s By-laws.

JE Whites Pty Ltd are an authorised representative of CHU Underwriting Agencies, and an authorised distributor of Strata Unit Underwriters (SUU) and Strata Community Insurance (SCI). This means we are able to liaise directly with these insurers to assist in placing insurance for Corporations, obtain quotations, provide prompt lodgement of claims, and provide general advice on insurance policies.

At JE Whites, we will ensure that the Corporations insurance is renewed on time every time in accordance with the Corporations instructions, and give you peace of mind that the Corporation’s insurance requirements have been attended to. If you have any enquiries regarding your Strata or Community Title insurance policy, we encourage you to contact the JE Whites Insurance department on (08) 8444 6420.

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