Solar Energy for Apartments
Up until now if you lived in an apartment building or owned a shop attached to an apartment building you were pretty much only able to get power from the grid, which is great, but what if there was a way to get solar power to your apartment which would help you save a bundle on electricity bills?
That’s where Allume Energy comes in. They have developed a technology called SolShare that will evenly share solar power between all the apartments/shops in a building. Each apartment can monitor their solar usage and see how much money they have saved. It’s a great way for apartment buildings to get in on the solar savings that people living in stand alone homes have been enjoying for quite some time.
How does it work?
The solar panels are installed on the roof and the energy collected by them is sent to an inverter that converts the Direct Current (DC) from the panels to Alternating Current (AC) that can be used in your home. From there the electricity hits the SolShare unit which monitors and distributes the power to all of the meter boxes in the building. It’s all installed behind the meter so that there’s no need to have people go in and change all of the meter boxes one by one which will save you money in expensive and long-winded installations with minimal interruptions to your power service. You can monitor your solar usage on your computer or phone via the Allume Energy login portal.
The installation itself usually takes a few days with only half a day of power interruptions which is a pretty quick turn around for something that can save you a bundle on electricity bills. The SolShare unit costs about $2000 – $3000 per unit depending on the output of the solar panels, but Allume also has an amazing purchase plan where you pay no upfront fees and then pay a levy that will cover the costs of the installation over time, which is about 50% less than what you would be paying for electricity from the grid.
The power collected by the solar panels is distributed fairly and evenly between all of the apartments in a building so that it’s not unfair to anyone and everyone spends the same amount of solar energy.
You can check out Allume Energy’s website for all of the tech specifications, case studies and all of the information you could possibly need to get to know SolShare and how it can benefit you.
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